MenuGeauga County ESC
School Improvement and Assessment
Curriculum and Assessment Mapping Training, provided by GCESC, follows a process which adheres to the following principles:
1. Students need to be provided a coherent curriculum that effectively offers meaningful learning experiences aligned to essential concepts and skills, clear connections within and between content areas and relevance to everyday life.
2. In order to deliver a meaningful educational experience for students, teachers need to identify what the desired long-term learning goals (essential understandings) are, verify alignment with the state standards, and determine what evidence (essential questions) their students must demonstrate to confirm their learning and ability to transfer their learning to new situations. Curriculum and instructional materials are then viewed as resources.
3. To assist teachers in delivering a coherent education, an organizing tool (document) is needed which is fluid to adjust to student learning needs and to the continuous improvement process of implementing effective, evidenced-based practices.
4. Collaboration between teachers is a necessary component to ensure vertical and horizontal coherence, to facilitate an ongoing review of instructional practices and long-term learning goals based upon analysis of state and local student assessment data.
For more information, contact: Tricia Ebner
GCESC Gifted Coordinator
[email protected] 
Geauga County Education Service Center
8221 Auburn Road Painesville, Ohio 44077 | Phone: (440) 350-2563 | Fax: (440) 352-6066
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